The ‘Food for Health’ team gathered this morning at the Dick Pond Store in St Charles to launch our 1/2 marathon training for the September 17th Fox Valley Marathon! This year Food for Health will have a team of 50+ participants ~ running, walk/running and walking the 1/2 marathon! And so the training begins. Coach Shelley Simmering and Pacer Molly Evans (who also happens to be our Executive Chef) got the team off to a great start – with lots of tips and techniques on how to successfully and safely navigate a 1/2 marathon! All it takes to sign up for the Food for Health team is a $100 donation to Fox Valley Food for Health (all funds go to the Healthy Meals Program) and to register on the Fox Valley Marathon web site. The good news is – its NOT TO LATE to sign up!
To join our team and get the discount code – contact Coach Shelley at the following email ~
P.s…be sure to find out about all the core training classes offered through Shelley this summer!