Fox Valley
Food for Health
We Cook, We Care, We Connect
FFH promotes a nutrition focused community by educating teens and serving those struggling with a health crisis.
We strive to keep our community educated, empowered, connected and nourished by providing an environment that is physically, socially, vocationally, intellectually and emotionally nurturing and empowering through nutritious food.
Our carefully designed menus are nutrient-dense and primarily plant-based, with an emphasis on clean, whole, organic and sustainable ingredients.
Sixty percent of our clients live alone or have little or no support. Without our support it would be difficult for friends and neighbors to be able to provide these nourishing whole food meals necessary for healing and recovery.
Through our volunteers Fox Valley Food for Health integrates the compassion, energy and goodwill of teens and adults with the expertise and training of professional chefs, skilled gardeners and Registered Dietitians to serve the nutrition needs of seriously ill clients and their families.