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Today was a nice quiet day in the garden paired with wonderful weather. Students of Mooseheart and volunteers worked hard together to weed a grass filled row that was previously home to raspberries. Unfortunately, they did not take but we are trying again with a new batch of seeds now that we have a nicely cleared row. On a more positive note, our pepper plants only needed a little more patience and they have grown nice, healthy, and green peppers. It is amazing how fast things grow in our garden. We also have a good amount of tomatoes turning red and still growing tall. Our volunteers cut more panty hose up today to tie the tomato plants to the cage so we keep up with their growth. The second half of the morning was spent picking the basil leaves off and collecting them. Everyone sat together on the picnic benches enjoying conversation and the smell of basil leaves. Later the leaves will be washed, made into 27 jars of pesto by our garden team, and then frozen to use in the meals we distribute. Altogether the leaves filled an entire garbage bag, that’s a lot of delicious pesto!
