If you would like to help promote FVFFH while doing something great for your own health, join our FVFFH half marathon TEAM 2018! Never done a half marathon? Don’t think you could ever do one? Then this is your team. We are asking all FVFFH volunteers and their families, whether you are walkers, walk/runners or runners, young or old, to come together as a team this summer and train for the Fox Valley Half Marathon on 9/16. Please email our coach , and she will be happy to field your training questions and concerns. Joining our team is a great way to meet and get to know other FVFFH volunteers and friends as we all work to get healthier and support our mission. Training begins 6/2! Join us! If you have any questions about the training contact Coach Shelley at ssimmering@sbcglobal.net
13.1 Reasons to sign up for our Fox Valley Half Marathon Training Program:
1. You CAN do this! It is a manageable distance to train for: walk, run or walk/run.
2. For a sense of accomplishment.
3. For Bragging rights! – “I did it!”
4. To get the awesome medal at the finish line..and the 13.1 sticker for your car!
5. To be an inspiration to others- You will encourage others to think that they can also finish a half marathon.
6. Feel part of something bigger than yourself…you will be raising money for our excellent cause here at FVFFH.
7. To get yourself out of your comfort zone!
8. To get in better shape.
9. It is a positive way to deal with daily stress.
10. You will gain confidence to take on NEW challenges you never considered because you did not think you could.
12. To be part of our awesome team of wonderful people! Meet new people; make more friends and bond together over your experience!!
13. For the endorphins!!
1. For the celebratory burger or chocolate or cocktail when you are done!!