Over 50 runner/walkers will be raising funds for Fox Valley Food for Health by running/walking on September 17th at the Fox Valley Marathon! Not only have the runner/walkers been training hard (lots of sore muscles and tired feet!),but they have also been busy raising funds for Food for Health! So far we have raised $7500 dollars of our $10,000 goal! Will you help us by sponsoring a runner?
By raising $10,000 we can serve almost 1500 meals to our families going through serious illness like cancer – help us help our community! Join the our efforts and let all these awesome athletes and your community know how much you care!
Go to www.foxvalleyfoodforhealth.org and hit the donate tab! To sponsor a runner or donate just click on the FVM (Fox Valley Marathon) button and don’t forget to put the name of the runner you are sponsoring in the ‘Company’ line – so we can pass along the good news!