From Spring through Fall, to support our Healthy Meals program, we grow fresh food at Mooseheart Child City and School in Batavia. Thanks to a generous partnership with Mooseheart, providing the space to produce organic vegetables and herbs, we are able to expand our food production program to better supply our kitchen.
With space at Mooseheart, and a new Garden Coordinator position, we are ramping up production! Increasing the amount of food we grow for the kitchen decreases the amount of food we need to purchase, decreases the distance food travels before it is eaten, increases the freshness and healthfulness of the meals we provided, and increases the amount of organically grown ingredients that are used. Our goal is to produce a significant amount of the fresh, plant-based ingredients that are used in our kitchen.
Our production goals are ambitious, and to reach them, many hands are needed. Guided by our Garden Coordinator, volunteers will work on all aspects of food production and harvest in the garden. Our garden team includes experts and novices alike. All skill levels are welcome and needed.
This season at Mooseheart! Sign up and we will send you volunteer days and times to ensure we best use your gardening skills!
DIRECTIONS to Mooseheart
The entrance to Mooseheart is on Rt 31 in Batavia, just north of Mooseheart Road. When entering, you must stop at the Guard Shack and provide your license plate number to the attendant. From the shack, the road splits left and right – follow the road to the right toward the statue of the man with children. At the statue, the road splits again. Take the hard left onto 2nd Ave and continue about 1/3 of a mile until you see the greenhouse and garden on the left (solar panels on the right). There’s plenty of parking in the greenhouse lot.
How do I volunteer?
Step 1: Complete the appropriate Volunteer Application:
Step 2: Volunteers over 18 need to complete a background check with Sterling Volunteers.